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北京德闳|/艺术不设限/ 德威国际音乐节精彩回顾|乐队

发布日期:2025-01-04 14:55    点击次数:94

编者按北京德闳学校是一所为中国学生量身定制,将中国基础教育的精髓和德威国际教育集团领先的教育理念有机结合的高标准国际化学校。学校旨在培养既深谙中华文化传统美德又拥有包容开放的世界情怀的未来公民。此前,德闳德威约10所学校的学子们因对音乐的炽热而相聚,在德威国际音乐节中带来一场场精彩的演出。德威国际音乐节Dulwich Festival of Music令人肾上腺素飙升的德威国际音乐节再度重燃!此前,来自德威德闳约十所学校的学生因对音乐的炽热而相聚,带来一场不设限的音乐创作和合作舞台。音乐节在苏州德威外籍人员子女学校举办,约10所德威德闳学校和超过250名音乐爱好者参加其中。学生们在音乐节期间紧张地排练,选择四个乐团之一加入完成最终的表演——管弦乐队、合唱团、爵士乐队和摇滚乐队。活动的最后一天,在宏伟的尹山湖大剧院里,一场众人瞩目的音乐晚会拉开帷幕。音乐节的主题为“英雄与恶棍”,学生演绎从神话和传奇主题到当代电影和电视的配乐,用惊心动魄、扣人心弦的乐曲带领观众感受音乐的迷人。为了给学生提供全面且丰富的艺术体验,我们在严格的排练日程中穿插了文化交流活动,所有参赛者会前往风景秀丽的同里水乡游览,目睹特别的人文演出和参与当地昆剧团的工作坊。北京德闳此次由十名中学部学生组成的代表团前往参加了盛会,他们坚定不移的热情、孜孜不倦的努力和对音乐变革力量的信念,留下了不可磨灭的印记。十年级 Nola W作为高中唯一参加这场活动的学生,我承认一开始有点害怕,害怕耽误学业,害怕自己的音乐能力不足。但直到活动结束,我才真正明白参与其中带来的知识比课本上的知识重要数百倍。我们走进苏州德威国际学校,学习音乐,感受学校带来的美好氛围;漫步同里水乡,感受白墙灰瓦的古色古香,让我体会到“走出去”是多么重要。”。乐队的合作也让我学到很多,老师生动的教学风格,乐队伙伴之间的支持和鼓励让我重拾信心。在舞台上,我没有把表演当成一种任务,而是一种享受。摇滚乐的激情让我不再惧怕舞台,而是享受它并克服它。参加这次活动,我认识了很多性格各异的朋友,他们来自世界各地,我有机会了解其他国家和地区的生活,这也帮助我获得了许多新的体验。我还了解到,朋友并不局限于某一领域,我们总是可以向别人学习。在这次活动中,我不仅学到了很多音乐知识和歌曲,还感受了当地的风俗人情,懂得朋友帮助的重要性,这一切都让我信心满满。这是一次非常有意义的活动,我十分期待明年也能参加德威音乐盛会。七年级 Stella C通过活动,我结交了来自其他学校的许多朋友,并学到了关于合唱团的声乐技巧!我很自豪我们在短短5天的时间里训练和排练了节目。当然,这需要团结和努力才能实现。排练的内容非常丰富,我将永远记住这段快乐而特别的日子。中学部 视觉艺术老师和德育负责人 高老师DFM对我们的学生来说是一个很好的机会和挑战。感谢家长们对活动的支持和付出,使活动圆满结束。不少同学第一次迈出了参加校外活动、独立出游的第一步,他们在活动期间表现出了高度的自律性和独立生活能力,他们学习、成长、结交朋友,并奉献了精彩的表演。确保所有学生的安全与快乐,并看到他们的进步一直是我们作为教师的荣幸。After a four-year hiatus, it is thrilled to announce that the incredible Dulwich Festival of Music is back! In November, students from across the Dulwich and Dehong family of schools will assemble once again in a celebration of music making and collaboration.The 2023 edition of the festival will be held at Dulwich College in Suzhou, with participation from about ten schools and an anticipated ensemble of over 250 music enthusiasts. The students will engage in intense rehearsals through out the festival, choosing to be part of one of four ensembles: Orchestra, Choir, Jazz Band and Rock Bands. They will prepare for a Gala Concert on the final day of the event, set in the magnificent Yinshan Lake Grand Theatre, a stone's throw away from the College.This year's festival theme, "Heroes & Villains", will lead students on an exploration of thrilling music spanning from mythological and legendary themes to contemporary film and television scores. To provide a balanced and enriching experience, the rigorous rehearsal schedule will be punctuated with cultural exchanges. All participating schools will embark on an excursion to the scenic Water Town of Tongli and will have the privilege to witness a special performance and participate in a workshop by a local Kunqu Opera Group.Dehong Beijing School has a delegation of ten Secondary School students to participate this time. Their unwavering enthusiasm, tireless efforts, and belief in the transformative power of music have left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of us. Well done everyone!G10 NolaAs the only student in high school to participate in this activity, I admit that I was a little afraid at first, afraid of missing my studies and afraid of my musical ability. But until the end of this activity that I really realized that the knowledge brought to me by this activity was hundreds of times more important than the knowledge in the textbook. We stepped into Dulwich College in Suzhou, studied music, and felt the beautiful atmosphere brought by this school, walked in Tongli Water Town, experienced the antique texture of white walls and gray tiles, and made me realize how important it is to "come out". The cooperation of the band also let me learn a lot, the teacher's vivid teaching style, the support and encouragement between the partners in my band regain my confidence.On the stage, I did not take the performance as a task, but as enjoyment. The passion of rock music made me no longer afraid of the stage but enjoyed it and overcame it. Participating in this activity, I met many friends with different personalities; they came from all over the world, I also had the opportunity to know the life of other countries and regions, which also helped me gain many new experiences. I also learned that friends are not limited to one area, we can always learn from others. In this activity, I not only learned a lot of music knowledge and songs, but also experienced the local style and the importance of the help from friends, which made me find confidence. This is a very meaningful activity, and I am looking forward to joining DFM next year.G7 StellaThrough the DFM, we made different friends from the other schools and learned many vocal skills about choir! I’m so proud that we practiced and rehearsed the hall program in just 5 days! Of course, it needs unity and diligence to make it happen. The rehearsals were so enriching. I’ll always remember this happy and special day.SS Visual Art Teacher Ms. GaoDFM is a great opportunity and challenge for our students. Thanks to our parents’ support and dedication to DFM, this event has been successfully concluded. It was the first step for many students to participated in outside school activities and went on trips independently, they showed high self-discipline and independent living ability during the festival, and they have learnt, grow, made friends, and gave a wonderful performance. Making sure all students are safe and happy, seeing our students’ improvement has always been a pleasure to teachers.转自:北京德闳学校官方公众号【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead


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